Talks and Workshops

Here is a listing of all the talks and workshops I gave in the past, with links to slides and repos when available.

Supercharging Development Environments

How we’re revolutionizing local development shells with Nix and Flakes

First delivered on 17th April 2024 @ Nix Milano hosted by Prima
Host: Matteo Joliveau

A quick tour of the internal Flake framework we’re working on to standardize and automate local development environments provisioning in Prima, the challenges we’re facing and the principles governing our decisions.

Slides | Video (in italian)

Rust for NodeJS Developers

Supercharge your lambda and halve your AWS bill

First delivered on 22nd September 2022 @ Serverless Meetup Milano
Host: Matteo Joliveau

A lightning fast introduction to Rust aimed at TypeScript developers, showcasing the language’s main features and selling points, and how Rust can help writing faster, cheaper and more effient Lambda functions on AWS.


The Karavel Container Platform

Automating GitOps Kubernetes clusters at scale

First delivered on 23rd October 2021 @ Serverless Meetup Milano
Host: Matteo Joliveau

Official public launch of the Karavel project and the Karavel Container Platform, with an overview of the main features and usecases covered by the platform.


What is Kubernetes?

Introduction to the container revolution

First delivered in 2021 @ an internal webinar
Host: Matteo Joliveau

An internal company webinar centered on Kubernetes, what it is, what it does, and why should you consider it to manage your containerized workloads at scale.


Breaking the monolith!

Modernizing legacy APIs with GraphQL on AWS Lambda

First delivered on 23rd October 2019 @ Codemotion Milan 2019
Hosts: Matteo Joliveau, Nicola Racco

An 8 hours long workshop about the use of GraphQL and AWS Lambda to upgrade legacy APIs without touching them, so that they can be easily used by modern mobile-first clients but without the need to refactor them or maintain legacy code. The workshop focused on developing a small GraphQL API in NodeJS that would act as a proxy between clients and the legacy API server, by converting GraphQL queries into REST/SOAP/whatever protocol was used upstream. This small API was then converted into an AWS Lambda function and deployed using the Serverless framework.

Slides | Code

Empowering the client with GraphQL

A tale of progressive adoption

First delivered on 23rd September 2019 @ DEV Community Milano Meetup
Hosts: Matteo Joliveau, Mattia Panzeri

An overview of how GraphQL changed the way we design API-driven applications and the interactions between frontend clients and backend servers. Among the covered topics were both basic and advanced practices and techniques, such as pagination, batch loading, caching and schema design.
